Planning Commission Meeting February 17, 2022


Notice is hereby given to the members of the Hildale City Planning Commission and to the public, that the Planning Commission will hold a will hold a public hearing as part of the regular meeting on 17th day of February, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. (MDT), at 320 East Newel Avenue, Hildale City, Utah 84784.

Commission members may be participating electronically by video or telephone conference. The meeting will be broadcast to the public on Facebook Live under Hildale’s City page. Members of the public may also watch the City of Hildale through the scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Comments during the public comment or public hearing portions of the meeting may be emailed to or privately messaged to Hildale City’s Facebook page. All comments sent before the meeting may be read during the meeting and messages or emails sent during the meeting may be read at the Mayor’s discretion.

Roll Call of Commission Attendees: City Recorder

Welcome, Introduction and Preliminary Matters: Presiding Officer

Pledge of Allegiance: By Invitation of Presiding Officer

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Commissioners

Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings: Commissioners

Public Comments: (3 minutes each - Discretion of Presiding Officer)


Public Hearing: Notice is hereby given to the members of the Panning Commission and the public, that the Planning Commission  will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. (MDT), at 320 East Newel Avenue, Hildale  City, Utah 84784 to receive public comments regarding

- Zone Change for HD-SHCR-1-1 from RA-1 to RM-1

- Zone Change for HD-SCHR-4-12 from RA-1 to R1-10

 - Text Amendment to Sec 152-39-4 Necessity of Plat; Exemption From Plat Requirements

- Zone Change for HD-1-5 from RA-1 to R1-8

Unfinished Commission Business:

New Commission Business:

1.      Consideration, discussion, and possible recommendation for Land Development Text Amendment current language Sec 152-39-4, to proposed language amending to Sec 152-39-4.

2.      Consideration, discussion, and possible recommendation for re-zoning Parcel HD-1-5, commonly addressed as 725 N Willow. Current zoning RA-1 to change to zoning R1-8.

3.      Consideration, discussion, and possible recommendation for Zone Change for commonly addressed as 925 N Pinion. Current zone RA-1 changed to RI-10.

Commissioners Comments: (10 minutes total)

Commissioners comments of issues not previously discussed in the meeting.

Executive Session: As needed

Adjournment: Presiding Officer

Agenda items and any variables thereto are set for consideration, discussion, approval or other action. The Hildale City Planning Commission may, by motion, recess into executive session which is not open to the public, to receive legal advice from the City attorney(s) on any agenda item, or regarding sensitive personnel issues, or concerning negotiations for the purchase, sale or lease of real property.  Hildale City Planning Commission Members may be attending by telephone. Agenda may be subject to change up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.  Individuals needing special accommodations should notify the City Recorder at 435-874-2323 at least three days prior to the meeting.